Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Bonanza

Debbie (aka Granna) and Auntie Courtney arrived early last week, and just in time to celebrate Georgie's first birthday! Georgie is milking every second of extra attention they are providing. In addition to making sure they got their Peach fix, we spent the week showing them our favourite Auckland spots - Devonport for brunch, Mt. Eden, One Tree Hill, wine tasting on Waiheke Island, Auckland city tour, and enjoying the coffee culture on the beach in St. Heliers.

Soaking up some rays (and caffeine) on the boardwalk in St. Heliers

Wotherspoons in front of a crazy tree in Devonport

On Saturday, all tourist activities came to a halt in order to celebrate the Peach's birthday. She didn't have any idea what the fuss was all about, but seemed to enjoy the sensory overload of the day...balloons, music, blowers, cake, hats, boas. You name, it was here. The big event was computed live via Skype to the Millers - almost as good as having them here in person.

Showing off her new bike to K and S Miller

First experience with fire and cake - she loved both

We spent the birthday afternoon at Butterfly Creek - a great petting zoo and butterfly house just outside of the city. Here, she ate, she drank, she experienced her first train ride, and she frolicked with numerous furry friends. She topped the day off with a rip around the neighbourhood on her new set of wheels. She was completely cooked by the end of the day so was in bed and dead to the world by 6pm.

Hot (pink) Wheels

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday Georgia! Glad to hear she had proper spoils & loving on her big day.
    You guys are looking great!
