Monday, May 17, 2010

Week in Review

It's been a pretty low key week for us, and I have to say, the change of pace has been nice. It gave Georgie and I the opportunity to get back into swimming lessons and playgroup. We hadn't seen her little mates for about a month, so it was fun to catch up with everyone again. What a difference a few weeks makes at this age - Georgie sat on her own for over an hour at playgroup, and was chatting away (ie. high-pitched yelling) to the other kids who would then respond back. So cute. It was the first time we really saw them interact and 'play' with each other.

Sitting solo

We had some errands to run on the weekend, so we made the trek to our local Costco. I decided it would be a great place to hang out if I ever start feeling homesick - the Costco here is almost identical to the one in London, Toronto, Halifax, Moncton (Saturday afternoon chaos, and all) get the picture. Otherwise, we enjoyed getting out for a couple of runs, catching up with family and friends via Skype, dinner on Acland Street, and a few strolls around our fun neighbourhood.

Skyping with Swatty and Sassy (kind of sounds like the title of a new daytime talkshow)

The big news story of the weekend in Oz was the return home of a 16 year old Australian girl, Jessica Watson, who sailed solo around the world, unassisted and without touching land once. The journey took over 7 months. She sailed into Sydney Harbour on Saturday, where she was greeted with the applause of the 50,000+ who were there to celebrate with her. An unbelievable accomplishment. Check out her story at:

Georgie, all smiles

PS. We're thinking a lot about our very good friends these days.

1 comment:

  1. I love this pic of G and the stories about her "conversations" at play group! I love reading this blog...good on you for keeping it up!
    miss you
